Tuesday, 10 November 2009

analysed front cover

Title: The Name of this magazine is Q. It is easy to know that that is the name as it is the biggest word/ writing on the cover. This magazine have done the background of the name in red and the letter Q in white. This means that it would be eye catching to the audience.

Main Image: The main image on the front cover is the singer from the killers. The pose they have him doing is striking for the audience. He has one finger pointing to the camera. When you see this pictures pictures it makes you feel like he is pointing at you and is staring at you, this will instantly draw you in to the magazine.

Main colours: The main colours used on this front cover is black, white and red. This remains the same throughout the whole of the magazine.

Cover stories: On this music magazine they tend to have only one cover story. The reason for this might be that they dont
want to give to much away about what is going to be in the
magazine. They use a different coloured background which
shows that they want to make it eye catching to the audience.

Tagline: All the months best music reviewed and rated!- This
would make the reader want to buy it as they would
believe that the best music reviews will be in this
magazine. So they would choose this magazine over
any others.

Buzz Words: 100 ways to get free music!
Bar Code : This is on the bottom right of the front cover
Price: Under the buzz word
Date: Next to the price under the buzz word

The writing is in the same font on the front cover and also
throughout the whole on the magazin.

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