Friday, 6 November 2009

Music Magazine questionnaire

Please put a circle around the correct answer.

1. How old are you?
10-14 15-20 20-25 25-30

2. What is your favourite Indie band?

3. How much would you usually pay for a music magazine?
£1.50 £2.00-£2.50 £2.50-£3.00 More

4. If more how much?

5. How often do you purchase a magazine?

Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly

6. What are three words you think of when you hear the word indie?
________ _________ _________

7. What is you favourtie colour for a magazine?

Red Black Blue Yellow Other _______

8. Have you recently read a magazine/are reading?

Yes No

9. If yes what did/do you like about it?

- What do you dislike about it?

10. Do you visit magazine websites?

Yes No

11. If yes do you leave comments and views for the magazine?

Yes No

12. Would you subscribe to the magazine?

Yes No

13. Would you buy a magazine if you didnt like the singer/band on the front cover?

Yes No

14. What do you look for when buying a music magazine?

Thankyou for doing this questionnaire

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